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Judiciary Pathshala

Embark on the ultimate journey to legal mastery with Judiciary Pathshala.
Our coaching unlocks your potential, illuminates the path to justice,
and prepares you for triumph in the courtroom.

Preparing the future judges, today.

Judiciary Pathshala

Unlock your potential and conquer the courtroom. Join our Judiciary coaching programmes for expert guidance, comprehensive preparation, strategy and a path to be a successful judge.

Harness your knowledge, sharpen your skill: Conquer the Judiciary

Distance between you and your dream journey is just one click away.

Enroll now and let’s together unlock your potential to be a judge

Director Message

Sudhar Pandey
Welcome to Judiciary Pathshala.
Thanks for showing interest in our Judiciary learning family. As the Director, I am delighted to guide you on this transformative journey towards a successful legal career. Our experienced faculty and comprehensive curriculum are designed to endow you with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in the field of law and become a successful judge or other Judicial officer.
We are committed to providing personalized attention, valuable resources, and a supportive learning environment. Join us to unlock your potential, sharpen your advocacy skills, and prepare yourself for the challenges of the judiciary. Together, let us endeavor for excellence and make a significant impact in the realm of justice.
Regards, Sudhar Pandey
Director,Judiciary Pathshala.

About us

Embark on the ultimate journey to legal mastery with Judiciary Pathshala. Our coaching unlocks your potential, illuminates the path to justice, and prepares you for triumph in the courtroom. Join us and redefine your future as a formidable force in the world of law.”

Our Beliefs
Our Vision
Stay informed, Stay Ahead

Why Judiciary Pathshala

  1. Real-time Engagement: Participate in live classes where you can interact with experienced faculty members and fellow aspirants, fostering a dynamic learning environment.
  2. Two-Way Communication: Engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive immediate clarifications, ensuring a deeper understanding of complex legal concepts.
  3. Doubt Resolution: Get instant doubt resolution during the live sessions, allowing you to clarify any confusion and strengthen your knowledge base.
  4. Personalized Attention: Receive individual attention from instructors who can address your specific concerns and tailor the teaching to cater to your learning style.
  5. Interactive Case Discussions: Engage in interactive case discussions, where you can analyze and debate legal scenarios, enhancing critical thinking and analytical skills.

Our Contribution Can Help Achieve A Solution​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas purus.

Madina, Ethiopia

“Having clean water would be like having a peaceful and happy life.”

Kawo, Dodola​

“We have cried out for clean water, but nobody has given us an ear yet.”​

Gishu, Ethiopia​

“Eu facilisis sed odio morbi quis commodo. Pulvinar etiam non.”​

Sumaiya, Dodola​

“Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames.”​

Privacy policy

We get your personal information when you enter a request, sign up to our web platforms or register your interest as a student.

The data we gather consist of your name, e-mail, contact numbers, etc. This personal information is not distributed, shared, rented or given to companies or organizations that are not part of the Judiciary Pathshala. You can also request a copy of the personal info we have for you at any time by emailing us at support@judiciary

If any personal information changes or you find our records are not up- to-date, please inform us. We will make sure your personal information is held safely, as per the Data Protection Act.


Your Contribution Can Help Achieve A Solution​

Krystle Ketterer​


Randal Smith​


Carolyn Tipton​

Donation quality​

Austin Nelson​

Donation quality​

We’re On A Mission Of Big Changes. To Help People And The World.

Empowering communities, driving innovation, and fostering sustainable change for all.






